Sunday, July 10, 2011

Delhi Belly....

If Aamir dai plans to do a Hollywood version then he should call this movie... 'A night in Delhi and the morning after...' or something like that! Aamir Khan Productions will probably be like them Amriki Miramax hola... and who knows.. maybe Aamir dai will make his first billion Amrikir dollars without going to Hollywood! Yes, them Desis have enough idli and dosas now kya!

And Aamir Khan was 'Phunsuk Wangdung' in them 3 idiots and now his bhanjey is Tashi Dorjee Lahtoo... okay... I guess Aamir was really inspired by the young folks from Ladakh hai! So what is Delhi Belly about?

Nothing ... and it's pretty good for a Desi movie.. and if that Andy guy from Hangover series die.. then they can hire the daari-waal from this movie kya! How about Andy's half-brother from India?

Like Emraan Hashmi doing most of them 'Bhatt Camp' ko movies... bhanjey Imran Khan should stick with Mama-shri because.... Aamri will continue to make them quirky , off-beat movies and Imran can prolong his Bollywood career kya! Yes, he is cute sute kay bhancha ni (them ladies tell me they love Imran!) but either you have to have a 18-pack stuff like Salmaaney or do a Ghajini... and Imran lai chai.. 'only loverboy role haroo matruh soo-haun-cha'... so better stick with any production from Mama and you will do good kya!

Aamir Khan may have never heard of Nepal until like few days ago hola... but now he has to come to our city and make a movie kya. How about Aamir as 'Raju Nepali' who is a member of them Nepal ko Film Censor Board during the day and some dance-bar owner/ arms dealer by night?

And our so-called regulatory bodies have folks who have neither the experience nor the knowledge when it comes to anything... we have actors who are member of our sports council, water supply corporation and our Mao-buddies want a guy who only passed 8th grade to run our great airlines (NAC) ... hehe!

I, Guffadi Baba predict that Aamir Khan will produce great movies for the next 20 years.. will win 2-3 Oscars (foreign film!) and will be worth 1.7 billion US$ by the end of 2030! And then he will retire, move to Ladakh, become a monk and give all his money to fund them local schools, hospitals and what not .. and he will be known as 'Phunsuk Wangdung' not only in reel life but in real life as well!

So what about the movie? Well, if you are broke or (lazy) like me then just buy a Rs 30 DVD and microwave some popcorn and enjoy the movie. It's not the greatest movie ever but maybe Delhi Belly 2 will be better! And Tashi will move to Kathmandu to open a shoe store in City Center, Kamalpokhari but he gets mixed up with the fake Indian Currency dealers and is chased by a hitman from Mumbai (Aamir Khan)...hehe!


  1. hahahaha
    your kya is very catchy
    i mean tashi opening a shop in city center

    u inspire me :)
