We had the 'Education' Minister some time ago.. and he had to resign because them big donor agencies refused to dole out them millions of dollars for our 'education reform' natak rey!
What was our Minister doing? He was going around asking them teachers like... Rs 200,000 each for 'better' posting sosting rey! According to his cousin... (Yes... we are them member sember of the same 'drinking club' hahah!).. our mantri made like 5-6 crores (kaw-roads!) before he went out the door rey!
And now.. we have our 'Health' minister ko boodi (shrimati!) in the news! She went to the Bir Hospital ko ICU .. with like 11 of her sahilis (friends) rey.. probably to visit her naata-saata hola ni!
C'mon... Minister-ni .. this ain't no 'TupperWare' party sarty kya! And hamro Bir Hospital ko nurse was like.. 'Lady.. I don't give a @#$! who you are.. but this is not the palce to buy them 'Bryan Adams ko concert' ko ticket.. so can you please like.. visit them patient satient .. one by one!'
And the Mrs. Health Minister was like.. 'I am the Queen of Terai.. bitch!' and she went and complained to her husband rey! And our Health Minister called them Bir Hospital ko director and asked him to transfer the nurse to Mahakali Zonal Hospital rey!
Dr. Buland Thapa, Bir Hospital ko director refused to do that .. and our Minister then froze them Bir Hospital ko account and asked Dr. Thapa to resign rey! And the funny thing is ... when our nurse asked the Minister-ni.. 'why are you here?' ... She was like.. 'I am here to inspect you..' rey!
Heheh.. Only in Nepal.. yesto natak hooncha yeha! Uma Kanta Chaudhary, the madeshi leader from the Congress Party will no longer be in them 'mantri mandal' (since Congressis are no longer ..part of them 'new' gang!) .. so that's all good! He is a jack-ass and Dr. Buland Thapa will still be the director @ Bir hola!
And we hope our nurse will receive some fool-maala and cash prize for showing them middle finger to the minister's wife!
And talking about Dr. Buland Thapa... if you really think you are in love with Che Guevara then you should meet Dr. Thapa.. well.. ali ali dieting gareyo bhaney tuh ..Dr. Thapa looks like them Che Say Kya!
And I once met Dr. Thapa at them party sarty.. and he has tons of them 'Maobadi Stories'.. yes.. he is a member of them Maoist party ko bhaatri-sanghathan and when he was in Butwal.. he did treat like.. them 1,000+ injured Maoist combatants rey!
And how come he didn't get killed by them security forces? Only because.. he had friends in the Army rey! All them Army Camps ko Colonels' haroo .. happened to be Dr. Buland Thapa's classmates from High School!
And even though he got picked up by them Army soldiers every week.. them Colonels would be like .. 'Myaan .. Buland... po rahecha.. hya.. Dr. Saheb lai chod-dey..'
Well, now Uma Kanta Chaudhary can relax with them Corores (kaw-roads!).. he has made during his stint as our 'Health' Minister.. and his wife.. 'Gayatri' can buy more of them 'Indian Saris' and what not hola ni!
And I guess... our 'Madeshi Parties' will have some party scarty with all them 'loot soot' they made when they were them partners in them previous 'mantri-mandals'...
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