Tuesday, February 15, 2011

NGOs (No Good Organizations?)

According to our dailies, more than 32,000 NGOs and 250 INGOs in Nepal rey! Baaf rey baaf... kati dherai ho NGO haroo!

And only 7,000 NGOs are working in some field sield rey whereas only 50 INGOs are doing whatever they think they are doing rey!

And them casinos in Kathamndu Valley still not shut down rey because we still don't have them 'Tourism Mantri' rey!

This is Nepal.... more than 7,000 taxis in the Valley and only ... like .. two people working in them 'taxi meter checking' department! Casinos been here since the 60s and so far no regulation to monitor them .. ani I don't think there is even a department to monitor our NGOs and INGOs ko activity sactivity!

I have always been anti 'Foreign-Aid' but I have come to realize that we do need them 'bideshi paisa' or else we are @#%!ed!

Tomorrow, if we shut down all them INGOs and NGOs then half a million people in this country will be out of their so-called jobs ni!

Not all Cops are bad sad and not all them priests are pedophiles bhanya jastai .. not all them INGOs and NGOs are 'dollar khetis' ni!

UMN (United Mission to Nepal) should be given some credit sredit... them Patan Hospital and other rural hospitals ruh gau ghar tiruh nikkai dherai project sorject ma help selp garya chan!

Aroo INGO haroo tuh tyestai ho.. them Germans, Japanese ruh Swiss haroo lay pani Nepal lai nikkai help garya chan ... and if it weren't for them 'Scandinavian' INGOs then Gurukul would have closed down shop years ago and Photo Circle would still be @ Bakery Cafe.. heheh!

Yes, we have some NGOs where the whole family represents the Board and get paid 'mucho dinero' for nothing but then.. we have to congratulate them for their 'fundraising' efforts ni.. hoinuh ruh?

Our politicians get their 'money' from the Desis and them EU nations so that they can fight with each other and push our country towards the 'Stone Age' ... and nothing wrong with NGOs getting funding from somewhere else... but do some work please!

Talking about 'Stone Age'.. I am not complaining.. I love them BBQs and dressing up like 'Rauteys' .. so all's good for me ni!

If the Maoists were really into 'Desh Bikash' then they wouldn't be reading 'Mahabharat' to get new 'rajniti' ideas and them PLA would be working in them rural areas helping them people hola ni!

We hear stories about them 'Children Homes' where them founder drives around in SUVs and them children get only 'Daal Bhat' and maybe 'a piece of Chicken' on Saturdays.. but then there are 10 other homes where Children do get them care they really need!

And talking about UMN, them Hospital in Palpa, Okhaldhunga are run by them folks and they are doing a great job... Patan Hospital used to be the best .. still is but not that good now.. since them UMN handed it over to our government rey!

And our great Comrade, Prachandey did work for one of them rural projecs funded by USAID back in them days kyaaruh!

But ... we can't really go on like this ni... UMN has been here since 1954 and them 'foreign doctors' are helping our people in them hospitals in Tansen, Okhaldhunga and Patan and nearly everywhere nai hola! Ek Din... (and not Ek Raat!) hami lay afno ghar tuh afai lay safa garnoo paryo ni .. hoinuh ruh?

What about us? A 24 year old Amrikan lady is helping to run a school ... afnai paisa ley.. and our government just gave her them 'resident' visa sisa ... Euta 70 year old farmer sold his land and donated it to some school rey.. and Patan Hospital ko medical school ma chahi .. you have to work in the rural areas if you want to finish your MBBS rey.. so it's a good start!

I have nothing against Amrikans and the lady is doing a good job .. taruh pani... I think she could more for her own 'inner-city' school kids in Amrika hoinuh ruh? Or maybe Princess Himani can do more for them schools in our villages instead of just giving out drinking water-pipes or blanket slankets!

There are nearly 10,000 NGOs in Kathmandu Valley. I guess none of them are involved in them traffic sraffic or neighborhood clean up programs hola ni! Everybody wants to save Bagmati... and so far ... them NGOs are only buying gas masks hola ni!

Khoi kay bhanney... afoo lay pani tuh khaas kehi tuh garya chaina .. so aroo haroo lai pani kinnuh gaali garney hoinuh ruh?

Don't worry.. if you haven't built them schools or helped the underprivileged and the needy or didn't teach them villagers how to use 'Facebook' when you were trekking somewhere.. you can still do your share .. by NOT littering, spitting or pissing (if you are one of them great 'pisser-men' of KTM) on them streets kya!

And if them bike-wallahs are riding on them pavements then please do smack them, slap them 'Formula One' racing drivers and if somebody throws them trash baato maa.. then follow him or her home and hurl a bora of fohor uskai ghar vitra... heheh! What am I saying? I must be on crack hola!


  1. the last two paragraphs remind me of that "sharm ka taaj" waala incredible india ad by aamir khan. have you seen it? i tried to search for it on youtube but didn't find it. nepal ma pani testai garnu parne, ngo or no ngo.

  2. totally agree with u here, especially doing your share part. if everyone started thinking that way, it would be so much better noh? and nice song, just heard a few of his songs and i love him. cheers! :)
