The next round of them election selection is scheduled for Feb 3rd.. and if no one gets them votes then they will have another round on Feb 5th and if that also fails then another another round on Feb 6th rey!
Hahaha... instead of wasting out taxpayers' money on them chiya kharcha and other foo-zool kharcha... why don't our leaders just like... do some kind of a lucky draw sheet!
Yes, 601 buffoons will get to buy them 'PM Bumper Prize' tickets and then .. Prime Monster and his or her Mini-Sinisters will be chosen from them lucky draw sucky draw or something!
I think it would be fun.... while we eat some soontalaa and badaam in the sun!
We all know.. that them Desi Bhais do not want them Maoists back on the top! Yes... some people like to be on top and some .. on them bottom sottom rey... but our so-called leaders... haroo chahi jahiley pani.. tip-top hola ni!
Prachandey is an ass-hola (hehe! ... only hola ni feri.. so YCL .. don't come to my house and burn them tyre syre feri!) and if the Maoists do want to get the top koorchi and loot some more from them Rastra ko Dhukuti then they should ask Dr. Saheb (BRB) to get into the ring.
The Desis like him a lot and when the Desi-babas says 'Yes... You Can!' then our Madeshi parties and them Kangaroos and them Unidentified Moronic Losers .. will have no choice but to support BRB!
Our politicians are like them 'street hookers' ... and I guess... India is them pimp simp hola ni! So.. them Pimp controls everything and if they don't listen to him... he slaps them and takes all them money rey! Tyehi nai hola hamro Neta haroo ruh Mitra-Rastra ko sum-bandha (relationship!).
So.. do we really want them Prime-Monster Sonster? The country is running fine... no batti, no paani, loot-paat.. so what's new?
I think we might have to bring Marichman Singh back and make him our PM hola! And Desi PM Singh would be like.. 'Arrey Paaji, you from Punjab .. as well?'
Abuh Naam nai 'I am a rich Man' bhaye pachi.. I don't think he would be stealing from our nation's coffers hola ni!
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