Monday, January 31, 2011

Dhobi Ghat!

Aamir Khan is vary vary good actor sactor! You can make shit and just slap them 'Aamir Khan' tag and it will sell like 'hot cakes' rey! And Dhobi Ghat is another of them 'Aamir Khan' feelim seelim!

My friends were like... 'You must see this movie .. myaan' .. it's really good! So I got myself them 'Rs 30' DVD! And must be my lucky day hola! Print Srint tuh 'First Class' ... somebody from Aamir's film company must have chor-ing and copying it hola!

I liked the movie. After all, it's Kiran Rao's directorial debut ki kay bhancha ni! And she does a great job! Actually, I have respect for anybody who makes them movie sovie.. even if it's crap! It's hard work ni! It' s not like making paani puri or them vyar vyar mo:mos!

But.. making them 'best' mo:mo and paani-puri tuh work of art nai ho kyaaruh!

The movie is about them four people in Mumbai! Euta chahi... Aamir Khan bhayee halyo. He is a painter sainter and I guess he forgot to wash his hair hola.. jahiley pani euta kapaal chahi 'seto paint' ... ani he smokes and he likes to paint saint and he sleeps with the hero-ni of the movie and he's like 'Ooops.. sorry, I liked it vary vary much but now I can't really hang out with you!'

Ani hero-ni chahi (well, not them 'Bollywood Dancing Queen'-type!) ... is them investment banker from Amrika.. dhani bau ki chori but now just hanging out in Mumbai and taking picture sick-ture etiyaadi!

Then we have the dhobi! He also works as them rat-killer @ night... delivers them looga sooga.. hangs out with the hero-ni and also knows the painter babu! I think this movie would have rocked if it was about the Dhobi and his life hola!

Ani lastuh ma chai... we have the 'woman' jasko video Aamir Khan Dai watches and then finds out that .. 'Myan... if only we made it some horror sorror flick' .. we could have made more money hola!

Aamir Khan doesn't really worry about them money soney .. because he's already 'loaded' thanks to them previous 'hit' productions! Abuh .... I am really waiting for 'Delhi Belly' .... produced by Aamir Dai again!

So what's this 'Dhobi Ghat' about? It's not about ... Bollywood or the Dhobis... it's about life in Mumbai! I give it a B- ... because it's really a nice movie... ali ali slow and I like Aamir Khan and although his role in the movie is ... I have no idea why he was in the movie?

I hope someday... our Nepali film-makers will come out with 'Ratna Park' and I can it give it A+++ and a 'gold star' pani!

Instead of trying to do them 'Bollywood ko 80s' ko re-mix or having them same 'young' actors to represent our 'Yuva-pidi'.... I want to see Rekha Thapa as 'dance bar girl' who then becomes Kathmandu ko mafia or Rajesh Hamal as some 'Angrezi Professor' who falls in love with his grad student, Jharana Bajracharya.. hehehe!


  1. I know! Aamir is definitely out of place in this movie! So the Aamir Khan tag doesn't really work for this one. But, in the end, doesn't it work? He is ekdam walla pareko lauke manchhey in the movie also - really out of place in life. Even if it made me wriggle in my seat with discomfort every time he came on screen, khoi, I ta thought it kaso kaso worked.

  2. Heheh.. Ayushma.. yes.. u r right!.. at the end of the day.. it kaso kaso worked! ...
