And the House of Shah ko Press Release anoosar chahi: A Bangladeshi (son-in-law) and some Desi was making fun of the 'House of Shah' ... Paras .. aka 'Cowboy Prince' couldn't take it anymore and decided to go for a 'round of boxing' outside the bar.. and when the two Indians (Yes, Bangladesh is a part of India.. heheh!' refused... Paras decided to scare them with a 'hawai-fire' .. meaning 'Fire in da Air' and not some fire in Hawaii... ni feri!
And I hope our media will call this 'Confrontation in Chitwan' .. .ehhe.. I didn't know people went to them Tiger Tops.. Chitwan ma in the winter... yesto jaado maa... I guess our Bangladeshis needed some drinks and Paras Dai need to test his bandook hola ni!
And what happened next? The Bangladeshi called his mom-in-law, our darling cougar, Sujata Auntie who is always abroad... she called the IGP and Home Ministry guys and said 'I want Paras in Jail....right now!'
Yes, our media likes to make 'Paras' ... the devil but I think our politicians are the 'real Kings' and they are the ones we should get rid off .... first!
If a Bangladeshi makes fun of us, be it Paras or Prakash Dahal.. then we, as the so-called Desh-bhakta should slap the 'Fish boy' and send him to Dhaka ni!
Why the hell is Rubel Choudhary, Sujata ko chori ko poi... hanging out in Kathmandu... if you want to slap him again , please visit that 'Radisson' Hotel' ko gym every morning and punch the 'fat' guy in the pet ni!
With due respect to all Bangladeshis and esp 'fat 'bangla' people... we have nothing against you! But can you guys please take care of Rubel... why is he hanging out behind his wife's saari? If you are a man, then go to Dhaka and live there and take care of your 'Koirala' princess and make a living or something!
We live in a funny country. A German Citizen is our 'Foreign Minister' , her son-in-law , a Bangladeshi Citizen is making millions from whatever Sujata doles out ... and our Dailies want to hang Paras!
Yes, Paras should be arrested ... for what? Our politicians and their chamchas , all carry weapons and nobody is arrested! At least we have one bad boy remaining in town?
In the next few years, we will see who will survive? The 'House of Shah' or them 'House of Koirala'...
And talking about Sujata, she has warned the Congressis that if she is not promoted to 'God knows what'.. maybe the 'The Official Congressi Slut' hola ni! ... then she will start a nuclear war rey! I wonder where she is hiding her nukes?
With due respect to all the sluts out there.. but Sujata Auntie must go back to Germany, Rubel... go back to Bangladesh and eat some Fish Curry before you come to our country and bad-mouth us... and Paras Dai... man, keep it cool yaar.... we feel bad too ... when them foreigners talk shit about us... but show some class please.... and stay in Singapore... please!
haha...nice one! cheers.