Monday, December 13, 2010

International Film Festival!

Kathmandu International Mountain Film Festival (KIMFF) 2010 will end on Dec 13th... and do catch some of them foreign soreign films!

I have nothing against KIMFF or Basanta Thapa, the KIMFF 'guy' even though them young employees get paid peanuts while Basantey makes all them moolah but can you guys please take that 'Mountain' thing off?

How about just KIFF? ... hoinuh ruh! And looks like we have only like 4-5 film directors in Nepal, because every year it's them same guys and their so-called experimental films which gets approved by KIMFF people!

I hope someday we will have an annual film festival where we will only get to watch them docs, shorts and what not ... for the Nepali people, made by the Nepali people and paid for by the Nepali people..heheh!

KIMFF and them 'indy-genius' film festival and whatever-film-festivals are all funded by our foreign friends! Yes, ticket prices are like Rs 30 (which is great!) but the quality of them films have been going down every year!

That's my take and don't feel offended ... for I am usually wrong heheh! KIMFF is a sell-out, no more underground independent movement ni abuh tuh.. once you get foreign dollars, your status as the 'cool kid' in town is over kyaruh!

Do we really need them $$$ to host a 3-4 day film festival at NTB? Okay, the rental cost haroo might be like 10-20 grand a day! So if KIMFF spends like 3-4 lakhs per year for the venue then where does them 100,000+ amriki dollar ko grant go?

I don't know and I don't want to know... so instead of whining .. I am planning to organize 'Kathmandu Independent Film Festival 2011' .... soon!

I think I better contact the IFS people ... them 'Independent Film Society' may be broke but they have folks, hungry and passionate about film silm kyrauh... I think I should do a fund raising for them and let them handle the hosting thing!

I have nothing against foreign aid, foreign friends and french fries... but it's about time, we all got together and do our stuff instead of begging for so-called grants from them 'blonde-nations' ... Norway-Denmark-etc ni!

Heheh.. lau tuh.. only managed to watch one film this year at KIMFF, about this Italian guy who goes to Chile to remember his Padre grandfather and his love for climbing and indy-genius people kyaruh!

So, if you want to be part of the KIFF movement and say '@#$! KIMFF' .. go host your show in New York and not Kathmandu, then join us to plan, organize and host the Real 'Kathmandu Independent Film Festival' ... oops... maybe we should ask Real Juice to sponsor hola!

heheh.. well, Real is Indian ni.. Dabur Sabur ko hoinuh ruh? Hehe... taruh factory Nepal ma nai cha, paisa pani Nepali ko batuh nai kamau-ney tuuh ho ni?

I don't know.... let's see, I think we should all raise Rs 101 (lucky number?) .. maybe from like 10,000 people and collect Rs 10 lakhs and host this independent film thing every year! What do you say? give me holla @!


  1. we love them guffadi blog shlog. we were at k(m)iff last night too. after reading the above entry, we were thinking of KWIK's Cheese ball or Puja Sabun or OK Sabun or Mayos...etc. as eligible options (instead of Real juice) for the KIFF. how about Nima Rumba as brand ambassador? We will happily work for peanuts (to eat in the zoo gham ma), maybe we could even host the event at the zoo with the conserved Tiger-ji as the guest of honor if we can't get Ostrom. Tara no mantri-santri to cut them ribbon-sibbons. give us a holla at

  2. Hehehe... why did I forget... Hamro 'Darling Puja' Sabooon.... Nima Rumba is busy selling hair oil for men (Dabur ko) so he must be busy now.. heheh ... jado ma chahi Zoo ma soontala ruh badaam kha-nai parcha... kya mazza aucha ni! thanks .... for ur suggestion(s)... really appreciate it.... hope ur gmail really works when I send you the 'schedule' for the KIFF 2011..heheh!
