Sunday, December 5, 2010

Foreign Trips ...

Our politicians need to be kicked in the head once in a while... to remind them that the reason they get 50K+ benefits : to write a freaking 'so-called' New Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nepal!

Our Speaker, Mr. Name-Bang will probably lose his voice by the end of the week, because he is shouting left and right ... trying to convince our so-called leaders to get their act together!

Hahaha... the Maoists are like '@#$!' off, dude! and our other leaders still blame the poor Speaker for not acting like a bouncer when our Finance Minister was roughed off by the Cummies!

The care-taker PM is another Jack Ass! He went to Russia to drink some vodka .. well to attend them 'Save Tiger' Summit! As if he is going to be our next Steve Irwin or something! Sorry.. the Summit was not about Crocodiles kyaruh!

And then he gets back and then heads to Cambodia to see them 'Killing Fields'... not .. but to attend some conference as a leader of a political party rey!

Stop spending our taxpayers' money ... bhaatey haroo ho! Who's going to stop them? Nobody! Even the Maoists had a wonderful tyam @ their Jamboree. The government spent 10 Corores to dig some ditches, roads, telephone tower and what not!

My special request to the Maoists! Laal Shalom Cum-Raids... can you host this 'Jamboree' thing every week... at least in the next 52 weeks... the government will try to make you happy by spending another 520 corores ... at least hamro desh ko gau ghar ma baato ghaato, tower sower tuh bancha ni!

When it comes to looting the nation's coffer, our leaders get their act together but then for everything else... their cadres just kill each other as if they are auditioning for some role in the next 'Barbarian' movie!

And according to our dailies, 411 CA members have not returned their so-called 'diplomatic passports' after they came back from them foreign trips rey!

Wow... more than 75% of our CA members have gone abroad ... are they planning to apply for political asylum in Norway or what?

And every time, our President or PM or nautanki clowns go on them foreign trips, Kathmandu ko traffic gets @#$ed up! Next tyam, can you guys please leave early .. like 5am in the morning and come back ... late in the evening like 11:00pm?

We can do nothing but complain... tomorrow if I stand up in the middle of the road and block the VIP ko entourage then I will probably get kicked in the arse by the Nepal Police, then get my back broken by the APF ko rifle and then tried for treason ... that's how it is?

The Ranas left the Palace 60 years ago but the 'Hukumi-Saa-shun' never left the building!

Thank God ... Dhir Shamsher had only 17 sons... and now we have to deal with 601 assholes who will ultimately divide this country and drag us all to the stone-age!

God Bless our CA Members! I have nothing against these clowns going abroad for some chiya-paan karykaram but at least, do learn a thing or two when u r in them foreign lands and try to do something productive when you get back ni!

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