Thursday, October 28, 2010

High School Musical?

Our so-called caretaker government is really doing something ... because they know very well that whatever programs they announce... will never see the light of the day anyway... so Good Job guys... way to go ... hopefully you will go out with a bang ... like declare 'We will be a nuclear power by 3022 AD' or something like that!

The story of the day is that from now onwards, all secondary education in them public schools will be free for all them Nepali citizens rey... until now .. I think it was until the 8th ho ki 5th grade hola!

The government spends billions of Rupees every year ... promising to educate our kids in them rural areas and our donor agencies pump in millions of dollars with their 'reform this' and 'reform that' programs! Well 90% of that dough goes back to their so-called experts who come to Nepal for so-called consultancy work ni!

Have we seen any progress? Hehehe... majority of our government teachers never show up for work in them remote areas but continue to get their paychecks and recently we had a 'Madeshi' Education Minister who managed to make 12.3corore rupees from extorting our public school teachers for better posting and perks rey!

Since majority of our CA members are so-called communists... they should rather plan their visits to Kerala instead of going to China, North Korea, Iran, USA (a combo of both so-called civilized nations and them Axis-of-Evil nations!).

I think I have already talked about 'The Karelas from Kerala' in my previous posts ... so I don't want to bore you with my 'never-ending' goon gaan of the State of Kerala and their communists leaders! The Keralans live as long as them Amrikans and know their 'ABCs' as much as them civilized-nations haroo ko folks rey!

So where did we go wrong? A year ago... there was a scandal... well in Nepal... nobody gives a damn anyways, so I guess ... next tyaam chahi ... it's better if them Ladies throw their sandals at our public figures whenever the media reports about them ghota-la in them public tender-sender stuff!

Anyways, last year ... during them new session, majority of our public school textbooks were published in India because our domestic publishers were not well-equipped or capable to do so rey...

It's such a shame the our government agencies dole out contracts to the Indians and Chinese folks for hefty commissions... but I still can't figure out why the 'Passport' stuff got such huge press when majority of them foreign investors continue to provide 'protection money' to our Maoists for their hydro-sydro and major construction projects! I guess only Sujata Auntie was getting a love-bite from Rakesh Sood... next tyam Sood should also do some french-kissing with our 'Top 3' leaders ni!

Yestai nihoo nai khojnay ho bhaney tuh then we should also refuse any Indian Aid ... be it that 'new' trauma center near Bir Hospital or them buses, and amublances and drinking water supplies and other stuff! But our leaders are beggars and we should thank them for turning us, hardworking folks into 'garib citizens of a garib rastra' in them eyes of the international community!

And now, Prachanda, the Joongay Maharaj (current Janga Bahadur of Nepal) comes back from China and says 'We need both China and India to come together to discuss Nepal in front of our leaders rey'..... hahaha, are you kidding me?

Let's get back to the school stuff ... we can always talk about Prachanda and his 'hawa guff' any other time... Nepal ma fursat nai fursat!

Hope our kids will indeed get free secondary education and our public school teachers will be there in them villages to teach them well. Hope our Ministry of Education works for the education instead of only issuing 'No Objection Letters' to our foreign-bound students.

I think the best option is to bring all Keralans to Nepal and send them to them 4,000 villages and bring another kranti in the education sector. Really? You might be too young to recall, but during our fathers' days... all them high school teachers in Nepal used to be Bengalis and Keralans rey... Go ask Babu Ram as well. Usko paalo ma pani sabai Desi teacher haroo lay nai Nepal aye-ruh padaako thiyo kyaruh!

And about our Nepali public school teachers? They can continue to get involved in politics and do some sun-bathing and eat oranges and peanuts and get the 'sarkaari' bhatta... just lazing around! Abuh Jaado ayo ni... aroo kay nai kaam cha ruh ... suntala khaaney, ghaam taapney ni!

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