Friday, October 22, 2010

The Gurkhas are (not) going!

The British are having a tough time rey.... yeta oota sabai thau ma budget cuts.... and what did you expect from two young brats from them Conservative ruh Liberal nautanki haroo batuh... it's like a combo between Rush Limbaugh and Ralph Nader (amirki-style!)

Ani the 'Brigade of Gurkhas' pani kaatney kura thiyo... tyo chahi ahiley ko laagi naw-gur-nay bhaa-cha!

Instead of the British... if the Amrikanos had made a deal with the House of Ranas then our young men would now be serving in the United States Army.

And instead of bhig-maagney pension and no benefits, our young men would have become Amriki nagarik, free medical benefits and free college tuition and stuff (Yes... it's good to be American GIs).... but the British just used our young blood to save theirs and then sent them back home when they were not needed!

If we look at all the problems in them world today... it's all because of them British gora-daaka haroo! Be it Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel, India-Pak stuff... everything is somehow related to what the British did 50-100 years ago!

So it is time to scrap that so-called tri-party treaty with the Desis and the Desi-ko-Maaliks! Yes, our young men in the villages don't have any opportunities here in Nepal.

They have their strength and courage to sell and the only place available is in them militaries around the world. And instead of them Indian, British and Singaporean security forces... we should now look to the West!

Well, if you have a Phd in Peace ho ki Conflict Resolution, building naatak (ahiley ko 'buzz' word) then you get a job at them Asia Foundation or WB or UN or wherever the little green men hang out ... taruh Gau ma hurkay-ko jawaan lay tyo kaam tuh pau-daina hola ni?

So send our young men to the United States of America. The Americans will treat them right (better than what the British have offered them for the last 100+ years!) ... our young men will be heroes and will be learning the BBQ techniques and getting all them ladies during them 'July 4th' Parade... instead of hanging out with bunch of hooligans in them UK slums!

And they will get that 'Blue Passport' ... and all them benefits but the most important thing is that they will get the 'RESPECT' they deserve! Americans are good @ that ... Indians haroo pani kum chaina hai tyes ma chahi. Indian Army ko Nepali jawaan haroo get better care than the Nepali or the British Army ko retired folks haroo bhanda!

There was a talk back when Saddam was still sipping 'French Wine' and sleeping with 'Bob Dole and aroo Republicans' ... about UN having some kind of a 'rapid-reaction' force! And the 'Gurkhas' were the talk of the town then but I don't know why it never materialized... but that can be another option as well!

Instead of our young men digging ditches for them drunk Arabs or guarding them Desi homes... they can all join the UN Rapid-Reaction Force , make some moolah, tour the world or in more diplomatic terms ma chahi 'be the Peacekeepers of the World' ...

I hate them British (maybe because Liverpool is getting @#$! in the ass right now!)... especially ahiley ko tyo DFID aka UKAID natak! UKAID tuh 100 barsa agaadi dekhi nai aunoo parney hoina ruh... balla kay ek dui pence faalyo Nepal lai ... kya shaan kay saalaa gora haroo ko!

Or if nothing works out then... the world must unite and recruit all the Gurkhas it can get and then what do we do? We invade the @#$!ing British Empire! Sansaar ko geography ruh politics nai barbaad garney doshi haroo lai kaar-wai garnai parcha! Ho ho ho! (I am sounding either like a Santa Claus or calling someone a 'Ho'?) Ho ruh? Ma nai confused!

Anyways... so let us all band together... and invade England and then we divide the country... Nepal ko bhaag ma kehi nabhayepani 10-20 ropani jagga tuh parlaan ni.. Ani hamro UK Ambassador ali buddhi-maani rahechan bhaney chahi... please Your Excellency, just @#$!ing plant our Nepali Flag tyehi Embassy wari pari ko jagga ma ... heard them were 'prime' real-estate spot rey!

Ki chahi... hamro desh ma jasto kasai ko na-bhaa-ko apuh-haw-run-kaari haroo lai tyo Bajiya 'Duke of Westminster' lai nai kidnap garney ho.... mora ko 7 billion ko property lay hamro Foreign Debt pani tirnuh pugcha ruh baaki bhayeko pasia lay baroo NAC lai 10-20 naya Plane Slane kinayruh... yo Visit Nepal 2011 lai success paarooom nuh!

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