The Army chief doesn't give a damn what the Defence minister says. The PM will have to do with the Indian priests and send the Nepali Bhramin priests somewhere else. And our NEA folks are now planning to increase the daily load shedding hours from 12 to 16. Yes, 16 hours! Finally, we are hitting the 100 hrs/week mark. Good job guys!
According to the Kukhurachor Guptachar Bivag (KGB) agents, loot-paat (robbery) will now increase by 1,000%. Don't be surprised if you see a bunch of policemen chasing robbers with the help of candles. I am still trying to figure out what to do. I think I should go with candle-making.
My prayers to the family of the Nepali man killed in the US. I hope our media also writes about our Nepali brothers who die in the Middle East everyday.
The TV stations are planning to cut down their transmission hours. The 24 hr channels will now go off-air from midnight till 5 in the morning. And the TVC (TV Commercials) market is down by more than 50%.
Our goverment hopes to get 1 million tourists by 2011. And Pokhara's hotels and restaurants are closed today thanks to the labor strike. The government has set a minimum wage to Rs 4,600 pm. Minimum wage is good but the workers want an increment of Rs 4,600 to their current wages. That is not good. The government says the labor unions might have gotten the wrong message. Who are we kidding?
Everybody is cutting down costs except our government folks. We should tell the kids to get a government job. At the end of the day, you will end up with a big house, two kids in Amrika and investments around the world.
So, why the hell do you want to risk it all by trying to make your tiny-winy company into a Fortune 500 thing! You might end up in the 'Unfortunate 500' list instead. No power, no roads, no raw materials. All you get is hit by silly taxes (from the government) and hot waxes (from the trade unions).
We may say you are a dreamer and (sorry but..) you are the only one!
And I am planning to move to Lazimpat (no load-shedding area!). A friend of mine has a basement ready for me if I ever choose to move to the other side of town. It's near the Indian Embassy. Yes, the Desis are having all the fun!
According to the Kukhurachor Guptachar Bivag (KGB) agents, loot-paat (robbery) will now increase by 1,000%. Don't be surprised if you see a bunch of policemen chasing robbers with the help of candles. I am still trying to figure out what to do. I think I should go with candle-making.
My prayers to the family of the Nepali man killed in the US. I hope our media also writes about our Nepali brothers who die in the Middle East everyday.
The TV stations are planning to cut down their transmission hours. The 24 hr channels will now go off-air from midnight till 5 in the morning. And the TVC (TV Commercials) market is down by more than 50%.
Our goverment hopes to get 1 million tourists by 2011. And Pokhara's hotels and restaurants are closed today thanks to the labor strike. The government has set a minimum wage to Rs 4,600 pm. Minimum wage is good but the workers want an increment of Rs 4,600 to their current wages. That is not good. The government says the labor unions might have gotten the wrong message. Who are we kidding?
Everybody is cutting down costs except our government folks. We should tell the kids to get a government job. At the end of the day, you will end up with a big house, two kids in Amrika and investments around the world.
So, why the hell do you want to risk it all by trying to make your tiny-winy company into a Fortune 500 thing! You might end up in the 'Unfortunate 500' list instead. No power, no roads, no raw materials. All you get is hit by silly taxes (from the government) and hot waxes (from the trade unions).
We may say you are a dreamer and (sorry but..) you are the only one!
And I am planning to move to Lazimpat (no load-shedding area!). A friend of mine has a basement ready for me if I ever choose to move to the other side of town. It's near the Indian Embassy. Yes, the Desis are having all the fun!
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