Monday, January 19, 2009

R.I.P. Lohani!

Everybody loved Indra Lohani! Well, not everybody but majority of folks loved his Kantipur 'Bahas' thing. I didn't. Well, who cares what I like or don't like! I thought he talked too much, didn't give his interviewees enough time to respond. It was more about him than whoever was in the hot seat. But I guess that was his style.

Everyone has their own thing. Bijay Kumar started off with his 'nasal' voice and look where he is today! Bhusan Dahal ... I don't know, please stick to music videos or make Kaagbeni Part II or whatever.

Lohani is dead. Let us all pray for his family! We all have our vices. His vice was alcohol. Yes, it's sad but true. Majority of our reporters/artists/netas love to drink till they drop. Musicians die, reporters die but netas don't die.

It's very sad to lose Lohani. He was in his 40s. And our netas drink like the devil and are still alive and kicking in their 80s! God must be crazy.

Lohani was suffering from high blood pressure. And raksi is a big no no but we, Nepalese are very good at not taking care of our health. When we finally go for that 'dhunga' surgery, it's too late.

Please get a physical every year. And take care of your health. Our netas do it and they use our taxpayers money. Isn't it lovely? All you need is a big mouth, make promises even the devil can't fulfill... then you get elected, ride in a fancy car, get free medical and what not.

If you want to live a long and healthy life then please get into politics. Obama is moving into the White House. And in four years, he will walk out an old man. But when our leaders move in, they look like famine survivors and when they walk out the door, they are like super-fat pigs!

And to all our media folks, even though we may like you or not... please take care of your health. Do some yoga, eat fruits, stop smoking, drink in moderation and live longer so that you can report, write, whine, bitch about the many revolutions that are yet to come.

I leave you with "Bridge over Troubled Water"... from S&G!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Isn't Obama the fittest (physically) President ever to take office ??

    Our leader go from bad to worse after they take office.. and it takes more than just raksi to get them drunk ....

    I guess it true when they say "Power is the ultimate afrodisiac" :)
