Sunday, January 18, 2009

Nakkhu is the place to be!

Have you ever been to the Nakkhu Jail? I haven't. But Late Ganesh Man Singh did and he is probably the only guy who ever escaped from our nation's Alcatraz. Although he did get all gooey like that 'kid' in Slumdog Millionaire.

Our former MP/IGP Mr. DBL and one of the biggest landowner in KTM, Ex-Lt. Colonel BG* also spent their 'honeymoon' period in Nakkhu. According to our Khukhurachor Guptachar Bivag (KGB), Nakkhu is one of the best place to be if you are convicted of any crimes.

Why? Nakkhu has a basketball court, library and what not. You can play table tennis, carrom , volleyball and if you are in for the long haul, get a PhD in prison management. If you want to to read about what happened in 1972, you can get them newspapers in Nakkhu!

The food is great and prisoners are having a blast. There are two blocks. Block A and Block B (DRC and CRC?). Although the Armed Police Force provides security for this prison, the prisoners have their own rule inside. You can drink black tea all night long if you want to.

As of today, Naresh Pun (Butwal) and Jeevan Raimajhi (Sanepa) are the Generals of their respective blocks. Even the SP requires an appointment to visit these two folks. To visit these two leaders, one has to pass through four different security rings. Yes, it's like them Bollywood movies.

If you ever end up there, then don't forget to say hello to Naresh dai and Jeevan dai. You are more likely to get VIP treatment if you do!

People commit all kinds of crimes. And there are folks who commit funny crimes as well. A guy is in Nakkhu right now because he decided to make love to a pig. Yes, I am not kidding. Our KGB agents have confirmed this. I guess there will always be people who would like to have a better relationship with animals.

How's life in prison? Most of the Nakkhu guests don't have any complaints. Life is good. Most of them don't want to leave prison. After all, they have better facilities than the people guarding them.

There is one Anand Sharma who cries every day. He made off with 60 corore rupees. He got caught but nobody knows where the dough is. He gets a lot of visitors. They drive fancy cars. I think if them visitors were brought in for questioning then maybe the police could recover some of the loot.

How do you survive in a Nepalese prison? According to prisoner 'A', one must not think about family, friends and all. Just think like a Guru, think that you have no one and you are just in for a ride. The journey will end soon.

But if you think about your wife, children, friends and worry about all these then you may leave prison but your soul is already dead. But if you can blank it all then you will walk out alive and happy!

So next time, if you ever kill somebody, get caught with a bag full of heroin or try to have a better relationship with a buffalo then tell the judge, "Your Honour... please send me to Nakkhu!"

Blast from the past: 1987
* An Army court martial has sentenced Lt. Col. BG, an ex-aide to Prince Dhirendra, to a total 33 years of imprisonment and Rs. 2 million in fine on charges of narcotics, corruption, foreign currency, arms and ammunitions, smuggling, and attempt to murder journalist Padam Thakurathi. The former Inspector General of Police, DBL was sentenced to 10 years.

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