Monday, November 22, 2010

Budget 2010-11 .....

"The government presented a budget of Rs 337.90 billion (US$ 4.8 billion) for the fiscal year 2010-11 through ordinance on Saturday giving utmost importance to infrastructure sector."

What does that mean? It means... all our road-soad contractors and their goondas will be fighting with each other to bag them tenders for road, bridge, tunnel-sunnel construction and what not!

And then whoever bags the contract will have to pay off the other guys' goondas, YCLs , Youth Force and local baasi-z! Heheh.. ani kay ramro baato ghaato banau-cha ruh mora haru lay!

Them so-called civilized nations had 'agricultural revolution' then the 'industrial revolution' and then the 'informational revolution' rey... and so far, we have not even had them 'agricultural revolution' yet but our leaders continue to talk about 'I have no idea what-type of' revolution!

As always, the people are @#$!ed in the arse by our 'stupid' government. If only public transportation were better then a lot of us wouldn't have to buy them motorcycles, scooties or cars and stuff!

Every year , the government raises them taxes on vehicles... but where does them taxes go? Kathmandu ko baato are @#$!ed, we see vehicles more than 40+ yrs and them 'black smoke' in your face naataks!

Small-businesses are also not important to our government. They think only cement factories, beer factories and sugar factories are the businesses rey! The so-called budget now provides baato-ghaato, electricity and a police post to all them 'Marwaari' businesses employing more than 500+ folks!

With due respect to all the 'Marwaaris' in Nepal ... but all them big factories are 98% owned by the Agarwals! We should all learn from them... on how to do business in Nepal!

They own the banks, insurance companies and many manufacturing industries.. they own everything! And the secret formula to their success is ... 'never pick a fight with the sarkaari haakims'... pay them off, pay the YCLs, pay the local goondas as long as there is a profit.

That is the difference between a 'non-Marwaari' and a Agarwaal! But them business people asked for a mobile police unit so that the Madeshi Virus Killers will be wiped out but our government gives them five policemen with 4 laaathis and probably 1 second-world-war ko rifle!

The small-business once again suffers. Majority of them will have to register with the VAT office rey! Last year, the municipalities went on a 'tax them' binge and taxed all sign boards of them local coffee shops and cold-stores and what not! But they left the ones with a Pepsi or Coke signs alone!

Pepsi and Coke pay an annual tax rey ... according to them tax officials!

I think all small businesses should be given some kind of a tax-break! A flat-rate for all the profits they might make instead of taxing them left and right. Instead of 20 business houses employing 10,000 employees, it's better for all of us if we have 10,000 small business employing 50,000 employees.

I have no idea what I am saying... I am not an economist .. .I am just a googlist with a degree in Guffadi-nomics kyaruh!

Jai Hos... the Maoists may have given us some 'circus' acts but in the end, they will be happily sharing the loot with all other parties. All them development budget will go to them political parties ko dhukuti maa!

I think Prachandu should first start his 'agricultural' revolution (because he went to Rampur Agricultural Campus) before he starts his 'Prachanda-Paaath' .... Every year, we are losing our industries due to bandhs, extortion and what not... sometimes I feel the Maoists are not anti-Indians... they are actually helping the Desis sell more goods to Nepal and make the Desis richer!

Our leaders run to Delhi for help. They like giving blow-jobs to them Indian politicians but then they come back and blame India for all them problems! If you are somebody's bitch then don't act like you run the show... hoinuh ruh?

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