Tuesday, May 26, 2009

News Nepal TV !

If your family is into this neta-giri stuff then you are one lucky bloke/ni! Just look at Salim Miya Ansari's kid! He is starting a new TV channel... News Nepal! According to our Kukhurachor Guptachar Bivag (KGB) agents, the investment is 100+ crores!

Where did this money come from? Maybe Ansari is related to them Mogul Emperors... u know the 'Khandaani' sampati natak or his father must have made $$$ during his UML days!

I have nothing against neta-kids becoz politics in Nepal is like getting a cushy job @ some investment bank in Bidhesh! Well, you will have to be really smart or maybe get your degree from them ivy leagues but to be a Nepali Neta, all u need to know is how to shoot, loot and boot!

Remember the three +oots or else you will just be another bhoot (zombie!) like most of us!

Well, if you are one of them Wall Street financial analyst then you might take home a million dollar bonus every Christmas but for our netas, everyday is Friday and you will end up making billions and you can BS all the time!

And if you are lucky enough to be born into a nautanaki neta-family then you are set for life!

News Nepal will go on air in the next few months. They have already hired so-called experienced Nepali crew and I wish them all the luck but isn't the TV market getting crowded or am I just another claustophobic wuss?

Loot-ay-ko dhun , foo-foo ko saradhya or something like that! We all have to start somewhere. Let's not blame the kids... usko bau lay choreko paisa tuh udau-noo pari halyo ni!

At the end of the day, our netas wanted to get rid of monarchy because they all wanted to be Emperors! Yes, Gyanu Uncle made tons of money with that 'mobile' company, Girija ko chori made millions and @#$!ed our National Airlines bad. And if our Ansari kid wants to be a media tycoon then why should we worry?

This is Nepal... our politicians wanna be business(wo)men and our bya-paaris wanna be politicians! I think David Letterman once said, "rappers wanna be gangsters and gangsters wanna be rappers!" or something like that!

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