Thursday, May 14, 2009

How to drive a mo'bike?

KTM is the land of mo'bikes... everywhere u go, all u see is them bikes! I have nothing against the bike-wallahs but why do these folks drive around as if they own the freaking road or something?

If there is a traffic jam, then the bikers will be driving on the sidewalk and we, the pedestrians will have to ... I don't know, climb up the lamp-posts?

The bikers don't have to look left or right, they don't have to follow the traffic signals (unless there is a traffic cop somewhere!) and they can just zoom in and out of traffic. @#$! them ... nobody knows where they are going until the last moment.

I guess all our KTM bikes come without them indicator lights!

Yes, we live in a crazy world but the bikers are always in a hurry. They have to be somewhere... it's like if they don't make it on time then they will lose out on a billion dollar deal or something.

And most of the time, it's the bike-wallahs and micro-bus-wallahs who like bumping into each other. Both of them are in a hurry to be somewhere.. it's either the hospital or a single entry visa to Yama-Land!

We have seen ladies in their scooties but I always get turned on by ladies driving them so-called 'Keta ko' bike. Well, I do get turned on by ladies in uniform but let's not talk about our fetishes today!

Since my cousin is into this Nepali hip-hop thing , I decided to help him with writing a song and this is my take :

Ladies in the scooty
Shaking their booty
ooh! I want to drink some Frooti
and dance like Mithun Chakra-boorti
Sir, Can you give me some Soorti
so that I can have some Phoorti
Yo! Yo! Yo!... something like that!

I just heard from my cousin. He tells me... I suck! and I should stick to what I do best... Nothing!

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