And you thought 'bunking' was something to do with school only ... well, you are wrong mister/mister-ni!
Our PM bunked a 'CA' meeting to go watch a 'Hindi' documentary, made by a Desi guy ... about them 'insurgency' stuff! And in them documentary, our Maoist leaders are talking in 'Hindi'... Lal Salaam, Bhai loag!
Our Mao-led government gave the Chief Saheb of the NA, only 24 hours to come up with his 'I am not a good boy' explanation! The Election Commission has been asking our politicians to send them their 'election expense' report for the last 240 days and they are still waiting!
Terai has been shutdown for the last six days ... maybe we should send Katoo-wall to Terai... maybe he can come up with something in less than 24 hours!
Chief Justice pani naya aunay-walla cha but our netas are still looking for 'afno manchey'... sabai thau ma afno manchey and all the ramro mancheys are moving to Bidesh!
I don't care about the Nepal Army or the PLA... we are facing not only water/ batti but also cooking gas/ petrol / saag paat & fall-full shortages as well! But our leaders are busy watching documentaries and are more interested to hire and fire government officials!
So, let's not blame them... after all they are busy 'playing games' and don't have the time to solve our problems!
Maybe we should invite Donald Trump and make him the 'Minister of Hiring & Firing!' .... and then he will buy Singha Durbar, make it a 'Trump Palace' and sell it to Rich Desis for billions!
After all, the Desis own majority of our newspapers, TV stations and nearly everything thing that makes money in KTM!
Let's get back to the 'documentary' story... why do our netas speak in 'Hindi' ... with Desi reporters? I don't know but maybe it's them Desi ghee and paan paraag... after all you can't forget them place where u spent a decade, listening to 'Hindi Bollywood Songs' , dreaming about 'taking over' Nepal!
Well, you did it! You are back and in the driver's seat. So why don't you buckle up and drive safely? But it looks like, our netas are driving @ 100 mph, on a one-way street!
When our leaders are breaking the rules, left and right then we must not expect our micro-bus drivers / motor-cycle wallahs and crazy cyclists to follow the rules!
So it's okay for our netas to bunk the meeting when we are all bunking school, office and whatever there is to be bunked!
Just think about it... if we all decided to go 'bunking' then Nepal kasley chalau nay ? Well ... let's call the Indian Raaj-Doodh, Mr. Rakesh Sood and find out why he's been running around like a monkey on crack!
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