Thursday, March 5, 2009

Nothing's changed!

Went to the Nepal Telecom Office to pay the Internet ko bill. The woman was busy talking with her colleagues and she didn’t have time to take care of the customers. I stood there for like 10 minutes before she even looked at me. Okay, I ain’t no Brad Pitt but Ma’am … can you please do your job?

I know it is a difficult job… typing in the customer’s phone number and printing out a receipt but I didn’t know drinking tea and talking about land prices in Kathmandu was part of the job description. Working for NTC must be fun. You get free phone, internet and thousands of shares.

Another ten minutes... she finally got done, I bowed as if I was presenting my credentials to the Queen of England!

I didn’t know Cricket was a violent sport. Yes, we have all seen the bowlers scratching their thing with them hard balls but getting attacked by Pakistani tribal brothers must have been a really scary experience for the guys from Sri Lanka.

What’s wrong with Pakistan? Never been there and don’t plan to go there anytime soon but when we were kids, the Pakistani serials on NTV were much better than the ones on DoorDarshan. They talked as if they were reciting poetries, looked more civilized and what not but that was then… I guess it’s a different story today!

Sourabhee and the other finalists are coming to Nepal. Finally, Indian Idol got its first female winner. That’s really great… I would have voted for her too. I don’t know if I can make it to the show on March 14th but the folks behind Indian Idol are making tons of money from Nepal.

According to Kukhurachor Guptachar Bivag (KGB) agents, the Desis made more than a million dollars after they let Nepalis vote for Indian Idol contestants. Don’t be surprised if you see an Indian of Nepali origin reaching the final 3 every year on Indian Idol!

The PM is angry that he has to work from 5 in the morning till 8 in the evening and the media doesn’t give a @#$!. Well, if you had stuck with USAID then you would have been making more than 100,000 Rs a month by now but look at the bright side… you get to travel in fancy cars, huge security and your family are all employed and doing good at the taxpayers expense. The world is in an economic crisis … so just shut up and enjoy the ride!

Our Sarkari hakim sahebs are still living the good life. Not much has changed… government services haven’t improved a bit… it’s still like back in the 90s. The only good thing is that now we get to hang out inside the Narayanhiti Palace. It would have been much better if they bulldozed the place and made a huge parking lot or something?

How about a nice concert venue? Maybe, we can build a DisneyLand and we can get Desis and other folks from Shark (SAARC) countries bringing in the moolah rather than sending our money to the Indian Idol folks and our khuire folks taking home the dough from all that bungee-jumping natak!

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