Sunday, December 21, 2008

Promises are just promises!

It's exactly 4:57 pm. Nepalese colleges produce ultimate fighting machines. Maybe, they should hand out a Masters degree in tyre burning, dhunga-throwing, cracking each other's skull and so on. Congressi students and Revolutionary students are busy clashing with each other.

The YCLs and the YFs are at each other's throats. I guess, this is like a league game. We don't know when it ends but maybe someday, a Super Bowl champion will be declared. Or is it a never-ending championship?

Our Home minister Bam-Dev has promised land to all landless people within two years. And senior Maoist leader, Kiran has promised that Nepal will become people's republic within 1.5 years.

Lord Krishna once said, "Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build a bridge even where there is no river."

Sorry, I think I went too far in history. It was probably Nikita Khrushchev! A baldy Russian leader with a ladies name.

Freedom of speech and of the press .... this applies to our leaders only. They have the right to speak whatever comes to their mind and they write fairy tales in our newspapers. But if you speak or write against them, then better be prepared to wear a helmet, when you go to your office.

Let us pray for the folks @ Himal Media and wish them a speedy recovery. Why can't we all be friends? Why can't we sit down for a coffee and discuss our differences. Instead of resorting to violence, why can't these boxers write back to the editors and clarify their position. Why should everything end in cracked skulls and swollen lips?

I guess... the media should go back to the 'Panchayati ways'.. writing stories with hidden meanings and clues or maybe the media can publish magazines in Braille. Then, we can all take the braille reading course. After all, if you want to survive in New Nepal... then please be prepared to be deaf, dumb and blind.

Don't try to change Nepal. Let Nepal change you. In two years time, you will get a piece of land from Bam Dev. With the land prices skyrocketing, you will be a millionaire but six months before that the land will go back to the collective farms and you will be left with nothing. So, I say, "folks...dream on"

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