Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Bugging after a long time!

It's exactly 2:22am. A wise man once said, 'Old habits die hard.' I think it was 'Sir Mick' Jagger.

After many months of lights off @ 10pm, Count Dracula has made a comeback...again. And so has the 'MADE IN NEPAL' gastric problems. I guess, too much milk tea and no daal bhaat in the morning really helps.

I should quit smoking. I have been saying that since Martin Luther decided to protest against the church! I have to quit. I should quit. I must quit.

Loaned a guy 50Gs, and he ran off to Norway. Loaned another hero, 11Gs and he's off to Amrika tomorrow! Another long-lost friend got a 9Gs loan and I hear he's in Rehab. Hope someone gives me a loan now.

I plan to open up a meat shop. That's where the moolah is! According to my survery 0% of the butchers from KTM Valley would like to go overseas and make some extra dough. Or maybe sell apples and oranges. Either sell Billy the goat to BamDevs' or Lady Finger juice to RamDevs'.

After all these are the only two groups of people who are having all the fun these days! For the rest of us, we are waiting for our friends from another galaxy.

According to Khukhurachor Guptachar Bivag (KGB): A DSP was promoted to SP (before his time) because he always took BamDev's son for dinner at fancy places. Our men in blue are busy setting up check points @ 8 in the evening. And by 11pm, our finest are already drunk, tired and then they disappear.

Our "Sunday Pop' brother going 1-on-1 with Ian Martin, the UNMIN* honcho! Stick to music videos, please...

W's farewell tour: Size '10'. According to God, Bush said: "I didn't know what the guy said, but I saw his sole (soul)."

WTF: "US anti-kidnapping expert kidnapped in Mexico". What's next? US Drug Czar found coked out in a corner!

Acronym of the day: UNMIN = Unnecessary Men (and Women) in Nepal! No hard feelings, but can you guys please stop leaving your vehicles in the middle of the road? Yes, this is Nepal... anything goes but 'We're Nepalese, You're Not'.


  1. hehe. i browsed down to the oldest post i could and seems like no one has commented on it! i like this post a lot actually...the becoming of guffadi:)

  2. hey man!! I really like your articles on the newspaper.. ani so I came around here. I was planning to come alik chitai hagi.. but I always forgot and loadshedding and NTC's weird ADSL service didn't help much either.
    Anyways, I really appricaite what you're doing and please keep up the good work old man! :)
    you never fail to make my day!

    p.s. have you read Ass@Nepali times?? nepalnews.com wala haruko.. it's good too.. :)
