Our clowns should learn a thing or two from our cricketers when it comes to working as a team. We will be playing in the T20 Cricket World Cup next year in Bangladesh. Who would have thought that one day Nepal would be playing in a World Cup event? We are all proud of our lads and hope they will do well in the T20 World Cup.
Our cricketers should give motivation speeches to our clowns and inspire them to work together to write the constitution on time. I think our political parties should host their own Twenty20 cricket matches and settle their differences over a game of cricket instead of using their cadres to bash each other up and making our lives miserable by shutting down schools, businesses and highways.
We hear media reports about how our government wallahs have promised our lads Rs 1 million each. That's great news but let's hope it won't turn out to be another publicity natak and they will really receive the dough instead of bad cheques.
Yes, the Sports Ministry will forward the proposal to the Finance Ministry and the ones with the key to the state treasury will probably come up with million excuses and offer a paltry sum instead.
So let's all get together and pitch in. Maybe we will be able to raise more and our cricket team can use the extra dough to hire more fitness coaches, nutritionists and physiotherapists.
Maybe, we can ask Sachin Tendulkar to come to town and show our lads his game or two. Yes, our athletes need better diet and they need to be mentally prepared for the T20 World Cup next year.
Our soon to be CA members will received more than a million Rupees in salaries and perks in the next few years. While our CA members will sit on comfy chairs and drink tea and agree to disagree, our cricketers don't even have decent ground to train. Maybe our new CA members will be kind enough to donate some of their salaries to help the game of cricket.
It would have been nice if our football team had qualified for the FIFA World Cup as well. But of course, most of us can't afford to fly all the way to Brazil and pay thousands of dollars for the tickets. So maybe, our national team will qualify one day when we become a developed country and our common folks can afford to fly around the world by saving a month's salary or two.
Our women's national team may one day play in the FIFA World Cup but we can't really say the same about our men's team unless they start playing 'tiki-taka' football like the Spaniards. Or maybe someday, we will be rich enough like the Qataris to host our FIFA World Cup and then we will get automatic qualification for the tournament.
Our Election Commission folks have finished counting the PR votes. Yes, the two old school wallahs have received majority of the PR votes and it's probably the right time to start backbiting, back-stabbing and figuring out who gets the lucrative ministries. It will probably take a month or two before we find out the who will be the clowns heading the government ministries.
We have already seen two Prime Monsters from the United Mules. Maybe, the Kangaroos should have their man or woman in Baluwatar this time. And we don't want the same old clowns in the cabinet.
If our political parties really care about the young folks in this country then they should at least give half of the ministries to folks to CA members who are under the age of 40. That doesn't mean that folks in their fifties or seventies are incompetent. Let's have young ones this time and see how they govern. And it would be great if we had a woman Prime Minister this time but of course, not the same corrupt aunties like you know whom.
Kamal Thapa's 'Mahabharat-like' chariot-processions last year seems to have helped his party to get more PR votes. But of course that doesn't mean we want 'Lord Vishnu' back. Kamal Dai should look at our cricket team. The cricketers are the face of New Nepal. Our lads are from different ethnic backgrounds and religions coming together to accomplish a goal.
Our comrades should go on cycling tour across the country and maybe they will do better next time. Our former Home Minister, Bijaya Gacchu 's dream of becoming the next Prime Monster is over. And if Baidya Ba is still bent on organizing protest programs then he can learn a thing or two from the Thais.
Yes, Gherao the government ministries and do your natak but just let the kids go to school and allow us to go to work so that we can make a decent living.
Leonardo DiCaprio has given US$3 million to WWF to help save our country's tigers. Maybe, we should ask him for more funds to help save our country's honest politicians for they too are endangered species as well.
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