Friday, December 6, 2013

Waiting for a Mandela

Some of our netas think that our country needs another Junga Bahadur or Lord Buddha.  Well, Lord Buddha would be fine but we can't have another Jungey Dai. That would mean only a family enjoying all the loot instead of hundreds of mini-maharajas having fun today.  What we really need is someone like Mandela.

Mandela has passed away at the age of 95. The world will always remember him as one of the world's greatest statesmen. But we are still waiting for our netas to rise above petty politics and be a leader instead of acting like a bunch of pickpockets. 

In the past sixty years, we have seen hundreds of clowns who have been offered opportunities to govern this country. But they all turned out to be false prophets who only enriched themselves and their families instead of helping the common folks.  

How long will we have to wait for honest leaders to lead us to the Promised Land? Well, it might take us a century or until our netas learn to fight elections without the help of mundrey gundas. We have yet to find a neta who has a vision to move this country forward. 

All our clowns only know tips and tricks on how to take this country down the drain. Maybe our netas should all be sent to vocational schools and they can learn some plumbing skills. At least that would teach them how to fix things up instead of only destroying everything in sight.

Mandela spent 27 years in prison but he was never bitter or angry. Our clowns spend a few years in prison and they think that this country owes them everything.  Mandela taught us about forgiveness and reconciliation. Our clowns only talk about vengeance. They blame each other and only smell conspiracies.

I think our government should have the new Constituent Assembly on the banks of Bagmati River and allows us to enjoy concerts and exhibitions at the International Convention Center instead. Our clowns can then smell the Bagmati River and maybe that will clear up their sinuses and inspire them to clean up the river. 

Mandela became South Africa' s first black president and then decided to go for reconciliation. He didn't turn out to be a dictator or used his powers to punish those who had prosecuted him.  Our Emperor failed to become our first president but he had the opportunity to bring everyone on board but even then failed miserably. 

Instead he was busy on petty stuff like trying to fire an Army Chief who was going to retire in a few months. Mandela even sang the apartheid-era Afrikaans anthem at his inauguration. He went on to meet those who had prosecuted him and his gestures of forgiveness helped the country to unite. 

Mandela was not a saint. He was just another individual who chose to forgive instead of seeking revenge.  

Our clowns can learn about honesty, humility and generosity from Mandela. Yes, he had his faults and the gap between the rich and the poor has widened over the years in South Africa. But the country had held four parliamentary elections. Yes, the ruling party the African National Congress has had its share of corruption scandals and abuse of power but democracy is still alive.

Like the South Africans after Mandela's election as President, we too had expected overnight changes after the 2046 BS Andolan. But our netas never pleaded for patience like Mandela.  Even now, our netas promise us quick fixes even though they know very well that it's a tough road ahead and we will all need to be patient.  

We are still waiting for our Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Why is it difficult for our Emperor and his courtiers to admit their crimes publicly and ask for forgiveness?  Our security forces should do the same as well. 

We should have done this five years ago and our Emperor could have turned out to be a Mandela. But instead he just turned out to be like the Mandaley from the previous regime. 

Mandela did not seek another term and left office in 1999. We still have the same players from more than two decades ago, who still dream of growing tomatoes in Baluwatar.  Our clowns should learn to let go. Yes, you will lose elections. Let go.  Give a new generation a chance to lead the country if you and your fellow clowns can't come up with new acts.

Do we really need a new President? I think we should stick with Lord Ramu instead of having another President.  Why waste taxpayers money by doling out more perks to a new person? We will also definitely have three or four Prime Monsters in the next few years since our Kangaroos and the United Mules would want the hot seat. Let the looting begin. 

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