Saturday, April 12, 2014

Cricket Revolution

There have been many revolutions in history from the times of the Pharaohs till this day. The French Revolution helped the French to drink more wine and work less. Since, the Frenchies prefer love to war, they also do not frown upon politicians having extra-marital affairs.  

Vaclav Havel, the Czech playwright led the Velvet Revolution that brought down the country's communist regime. The Iranians got rid of the Shah and they got the preachers instead who want to go nuclear instead of exporting more dates and pistachio. They have oil as well but I guess they want to export nukes instead.

But not all revolutions end well. Havel could not save his country from being split into two.  Nobody could have imagined that Saddam would be hanged and Gaddafi, the savage dictator would meet such a savage end. 

Empires fall, dictators either get the boot or if they are lucky, they run away with the loot. And just a few flight hours away, our Thai friends have the Red and the Yellow shirts and both of them want to strangle each other over who has the best Pad Thai recipe.

Our country has also witnessed countless revolutions in the past sixty years but the lives of the common folks have not changed for better.  But something is brewing and we have to thank our cricketers for taking a stand and mustering the courage to demand reforms in the Cricket Association of Nepal (CAN). Our national cricketers have claimed that have not received allowances and pay since ages.  

Instead, CAN decided to pay US$84,000 fine to ICC because they failed to submit their financial reports on time.  If CAN was not governed by a bunch of lazy bums then they would have submit their reports on time and could have used that money to provide bonuses to our cricketers. 

Paras Khadka and his lads have also demanded transparency in CAN's accounts. While CAN officials waste money to tag along with the players on various tours, the association does not have adequate funds to hire a trainer and physiotherapists. 

Our cricket heroes have also demanded medical treatment for fellow cricketer, Prithu Baskota.  Our government should stop funding medical treatments of our stupid netas abroad and instead provide some funds for injured athletes instead. 

Our lads were promised bonuses and cash prizes by our government and CAN as well. But it's the same story of 'false promises' by our folks in authority while our athletes go home with empty pockets. CAN officials made a deal with BS Sports that prohibits our cricketers from using bats with other sponsors. We all know that our CAN officials received some kickbacks from the sponsor while our players got nothing.

Our cricketers have been requesting CAN officials to take extra players during foreign tours so that they could get exposure but our good for nothing officials have ignored their pleas. Instead, the officials send their own so that they can get exposure to shopping and taking pictures of their foreign visits.  

We all have to support our cricketers in their fight for their rights. Just posting 'You are my Hero' statuses in Facebook won't do.  Just wearing the national team t-shirt will not help our cricketers to get their much deserved bonuses and pay.

So, we must all join the fight and demand reforms in all sports associations in the country. Ganesh Thapa has been ruling ANFA like he owns the association. We are not even sure if there will be a national football league this year. Thapa and his cronies have been making millions whereas our football players and clubs are struggling.

Every Olympics or Asian Games, we see a few athletes and a whole bunch of athletes during the Opening and Closing ceremonies. Our association wallahs use the free ticket and stipend to attend meeting of various international sports bodies but cannot provide a decent diet or pay to the athletes. 

When will we learn to reward our heroes and shun the political savages who have infiltrated every sports and civic associations in the country? Even the FNCCI election is a big joke where our fake VAT bill byaparis spend millions of Rupees so that they can head the association and do nothing.

Maybe, the Cricket Revolution will also inspire all of us to stand up and fight for our rights once and for all. We need to join hands with our lads and demand reforms in the government. The time is right, the huri batas and dhulo mulo these days make us scatter but let us not run away from the scums who are destroying this land of ours. 

Like CAN, our political partie should also submit their financial reports on time and be transparent and held accountable for any damages to public property whenever they go on a rampage.  Let's applaud Paras and his friends for taking a stand against the evil CAN officials. When will we take a stand against the scums and dirtbags who are taking this beautiful land of ours down the drain?

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