Thursday, June 18, 2009

Jumbo Cabinet!

Makune is having a tough time making everyone happy! Well, in this case everyone means 40+ thula netaharooz from all them sano parties! I don't know how long this so-called government will last. The Mao brothers and sisters lasted 9 months!

So is life better now than 9 months ago? I don't know... a new born baby is born after 9 months... but thanks to our netas, the baby will either have to move to Qatar to dig ditches or to Amrika for further studies depending on his/her parents' ko economic haalat!

Looks like we will be getting 45+ mini-monsters, 1 Prime Monster ... so that means more gas-guzzling SUVS for our netas! What about us? We will have to be happy with the smoke from them tyre-burning nataks from the opposition!

More than 60% of the so-called development budget is freezing somewhere in Antarctica! General Khadka will be going home this Sunday.... Cut-2-Wall will be around till September! Terai will shutdown ... no rain, no gain... only pain!

Our YCL brothers are now going around town... threatening folks with more shock & awe natak! They say 'If only Uncle Prachu gave us the order, then we will burn KTM and take over within 24 hours!'... yes, why not do that?

What r u guys waiting for? Yes, go for the final attack... aar ki paar! Burn down the roof... so that we can all move to Bagmati and join the squatters! After all... thanks to our government hakims and good-for-nothing politicians, KTM has become a slum and yes all the Kathmanduites... we are Slumdog millionaires!

Karod ko ghar tuh cha... tara na paani cha, na bato ramro, no security... food prices rising like crazy... we are tired of all this natak! The NA and PLA should fight it out ... once and for all so that we can finally... either die or live peacefully ever after!

KTM maa temp is hitting 33-34 degrees... not the foreign-high-t... it's sells-C-yes!

When it was 16 hours load shedding, ali ali paani authyo... now only 4 hours and no paani... please let's go back to 24 hours load shedding and a little bit more paani!

Aaja biha ko bhoj ma jaanoo cha... single ladies lai side hannu chaa... tara shower lina paani chaina... so I will be smokin, drinkin and stinkin... and if they ask me ... who are U? I will just say.... 'Excusez-moi, Je suis Francais' or something like that!

Enjoy the hot and humid weather! This is the time to join some health club... try the 3-month membership deal! At least swimming and showering garna tuh pai-een-cha!

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