Friday, September 23, 2022

Demolition Man


Our honorable Mayor saab of Kathmandu seems to be on a roll. We knew him as a rapper. Then found out he was also an engineer.

Today, folks in Kathmandu know him as something else. If Balen ever participated in a WWE championship, he would probably go by the name of 'The Bulldozer'.

For most of the folks in Kathmandu, he is now the their 'Demolition Man'. Some folks think that he is doing the right thing. Some folks think that he has gone crazy.

Many of our valley follks have built illegal structures on their land. Some of them thought they could get away with it. Some bribed the government officials to get away with it.

Maybe some of them didn't know it was illegal to grab some free land in front of your house. Yes, some people even don't know the names of their neighbors even if they have lived side by side for the past three decades.

Is Balen doing the right thing? It's up to the voters of Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC) to decide.

He is now collecting back taxes from our tax evading byaparis and other government agencies.

He has cleared the footpath and illegal structures all around the valley. When it comes to Tukucha, it seems that voters are confused. Is it a river or a sewage. Or is it a river turned into a sewage or well, visit the chiya pasals to figure out other theories.

Yes, we do feel sorry for the footpath pasaleys. Maybe, our Mayor saab can come up with a night market plan from 6pm to midnight so our Rs 200 tshirt wallahs and Rs 100 momo wallahs can also make a living.

When it comes to tax evasion and illegal structures, we also need to hold our sarkari folks accountable. These corrupt clowns had approved many illegal structures by filling their pockets.

And those who have built illegal structures or were using the approved space for other means should also be penalized as well. You just can't get away with only blaming the sarkari chors.

Ghoos liney diney sabai chor nai ho. We are all responsible for this mess. It's time we refused to pay chiya karcha for everything just to speed up the approval process for anything.

The biggest problem facing Kathmanduites is the issue of garbage. Balen is right when he says we should segregate our trash.

Maybe, KMC should start its own recycle venture, a mini power plant from trash and even organize an international art festival where artists from here and abroad can work together to create works of art from the trash collected from our streets and Bagmati.

The landfill problem will continue forever. Maybe Balen can do all Kathmanduites a favor. Promote roof-top farming or gardening. Grow some dalley or lemongrass!

Balen give the folks of Kathmandu free bins to throw their organic waste and make compost mal and use it as a fertilizer for their rooftop farm.

Balen is an independent Mayor. He does not have to find jobs for his cadres, cousins or contractors. He won't be making 10% on them kickbacks like Bidhya Sundar did and he will certainly leave behind a good legacy.

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Image source: Wiki Commons