Our Prime Minister Oli Ba tells us that we can beat the coronavirus if we wash our face with warm water, drink warm water, eat hot food and avoid ice cream and cold soft drinks. We would like to know when did our PM become a certified medical doctor?
And no, just washing your hands with warm water is not going to do, use soap please. And where did our national fool come up with 'everything hot is good' but 'cold is bad' stuff. Our crazy comedian must have hired a bunch of witchdoctors instead of real doctors for now.
Amrika has Dr. Fauci and he is the most trusted man there right now. We have our own, Dr. Pun and he was asked by our Health Ministry for clarification after he became our media darling for telling us like it is about the coronavirus and the weaknesses of our incompetent government in dealing with it.
Our great communist government is slowly turning our nation into a real communist country like when Stalin was in power. Now, we just need our government to build gulags all over the country and send us there. Yes, you and I will definitely end up in gulags if we continue to tell our chor netas, lazy civil servants and sadist police wallahs like it is.
Yes, we have a bunch of good netas, hardworking civil servants and police wallahs who are human and not just puppets of our politicians but a few will not help when thousands of them evil folks continue to run this country.
Our government is not prepared for anything and has no plans on when to lift the lockdown or how to help our folks and businesses. Our government is just hoping that we, the people will keep quiet and continue to stay home or get our arse kicked by the police when we go out to buy daily essentials.
But if this lockdown continues for another month and the police wallahs continue to act like savages then there might be chaos in this land of ours. Let us hope our government and security personnel will use their common sense instead of their 'communist' sense.
Think about the people not those in power only. Think about how to get this country back on track instead of using this crisis to only make more money and violating our rights.
But if this lockdown continues for another month and the police wallahs continue to act like savages then there might be chaos in this land of ours. Let us hope our government and security personnel will use their common sense instead of their 'communist' sense.
Think about the people not those in power only. Think about how to get this country back on track instead of using this crisis to only make more money and violating our rights.
Well, our 2nd COVID-19 case has fully recovered. She is a brave young girl and you can read her stuff at https://www.ledragondechaine.com/single-post/2020/04/18/Memoirs-of-a-Super-Spreader
If you read her blog then you will understand what she went through. Our media wallahs and even common folks should be careful when talking about our COVID-19 cases. Just because she got infected, we had people threatening her and talking shit. I think it's time our government went after such people than after Dr. Pun. It's time, our government went after them folks who kicked out nurses from their apartments or have denied entry to folks who are returning to their villages.
Our PM tells us that we must follow the lockdown natak and yes, we are following it but those who are stuck in Kathmandu without a place to stay and no money to eat then them people should be allowed to go home not on foot but use our army trucks and ask the APF wallahs to do something then just hanging around our borders and doing nothing.
If you read her blog then you will understand what she went through. Our media wallahs and even common folks should be careful when talking about our COVID-19 cases. Just because she got infected, we had people threatening her and talking shit. I think it's time our government went after such people than after Dr. Pun. It's time, our government went after them folks who kicked out nurses from their apartments or have denied entry to folks who are returning to their villages.
Our PM tells us that we must follow the lockdown natak and yes, we are following it but those who are stuck in Kathmandu without a place to stay and no money to eat then them people should be allowed to go home not on foot but use our army trucks and ask the APF wallahs to do something then just hanging around our borders and doing nothing.
Our doctors and nurses are doing a great job but as usual, our government has failed to provide them with adequate resources. We can shout, bitch, rant and whine all we want but our Oli Ba and his courtiers will not do what is right and needed at the moment.
Omni Group will get paid for whatever they managed to deliver to the government. We hear, they will get paid at least 28 Karod and half of it will be free money which will be distributed to our politicians.
The government allows Bhatbhateni and other big supermarkets to open but the policewallahs tell the local shops to close by 8am and those who go to these stores are getting beaten up even today. When will our thulo mancheys learn? When will our police wallahs use logic first instead of laathis?
Omni Group will get paid for whatever they managed to deliver to the government. We hear, they will get paid at least 28 Karod and half of it will be free money which will be distributed to our politicians.
The government allows Bhatbhateni and other big supermarkets to open but the policewallahs tell the local shops to close by 8am and those who go to these stores are getting beaten up even today. When will our thulo mancheys learn? When will our police wallahs use logic first instead of laathis?
Well, let's get back to our Dr. Oli story. Our Prime Minister thinks he knows too much. Next week, he will probably tell us that he will send a Nepali to Mars. And a month later, he might gift us with a nuclear bomb from all the uranium we can get hold of from our mountains.
Dr. Oli also tells us that we will get infected with the coronavirus if we don't wear glasses. So wearing a mask and social distancing will not work if you are outside. You need to find heavy duty glasses and protect your eyes because according to Oli Ba, first your eyes get infected with the virus then only it gets to your nose and mouth and probably lungs but where the @#$! did he get this info?
Don't be surprised if President Trump follows Oli Ba next and comes up with his own brand of nonsense soon. Or is it the other way round? Is Oli Ba learning a thing or two from Trump? The Amriki President tweeting about liberating states in the US is the biggest joke of the year and Oli should also start tweeting nonsense more often.
So don't listen to Trump if you are an Amriki and don't listen to Oli Ba if you are a Nepali or else you will go crazy. Oli Ba, do you want to be remembered as the leader who finally decided to do what's right for the people or do you just want to be known as a comedian, and now a crazy witchdoctor?
But of course our netas don't care about their legacy. They just want to enjoy their power while it lasts and then drop dead and who gives a @#$!...right?
But of course our netas don't care about their legacy. They just want to enjoy their power while it lasts and then drop dead and who gives a @#$!...right?
If you want to some warm water and heavy-duty glasses to fight COVID-19 then send me an email at maguffadi@gmail.com