Let us thank our Oli government for hosting the 4th BIMSTEC Summit here at Kathmandu and making our lives miserable for a few days. Was it a big mistake to host the summit here when we could have used the money spent to at least help those affected by the floods and landslides in the country?
I think our government should not host any international summit for a decade until we finally become a prosperous nation as promised by our greatest communist government on Earth. Then, we can even prepare ourselves to host the Olympics and then the World Cup and waste billions of dollars for those events. But for now, let us not waste our funds and shut down our schools and offices just to show our foreign guests that all is okay in the capital.
It's really about time our incompetent government shifted the capital as well as the international airport so that they can host their summits somewhere else. Our domestic planes do not have enough parking space at TIA and consumers have to wait for hours or even half a day to take a plane to other destinations in the country. TIA has to deal with cracked runways and inefficient management.
I think our civil servants follow the formula of not fixing up things until it is broken. We are not into taking preventive measures but only taking action after things break down and taking our own time to finish the task. Look at our roads in the valley. It's been years since the government began the road widening project and it might take a decade before we finally get to be a dust-free city.
Until then, we just have to buy gas masks, sturdy gum boots and even portable rafts because our Department of Roads blame the contractors while the contractors blame the common folks not tearing down their homes while the common folks just put up with all the nataks and go on with their daily lives.
And it’s about time our thulo mancheys seriously thought about moving the capital to a new place. Just ask the guys from Myanmar. They seem to be experts when it comes to shifting the capital from one place to another. Who cares if the new capital leads to nowhere? At least, our politicians, civil servants and contractors can make a bundle to build a new city.
BIMSTEC is an international organization of seven nations with a population of 1.5 billion folks. If our civil servants had done their homework then we would be promoting Lumbini, Everest and other tourist destinations to a billion potential tourists through their head of states. But no, our government was busy fixing our roads in the capital and didn't have time for promoting this beautiful country.
We could have hosted the summit at Lumbini and the valley residents wouldn’t have to stay home or spend hours to get to their offices. Our incompetent government thinks that closing down schools and placing an odd-even driving nataks will help them to show our visitors that Kathmandu is indeed a beautiful city.
It was a beautiful city years ago but we have to thank our civil servants for destroying this valley. If only our municipality wallahs had done their job then we would not have to waste billions in the road widening project in the first place. If only our hakim sahebs had done their homework then our fertile lands would not turn into concrete jungles.
Let us thank our government for cutting down trees in the name of road widening projects. Yes, while the rest of the world is going green and European netas ride around in bicycles, our government is busy promoting just the opposite. Yes, let us welcome more pollution, corruption and frustration in New Nepal.
A Chinese Swami once said that if you are a rich person in a poor nation the you must be ashamed of yourself. But here in this beautiful land of ours, our corrupt evil doers who ride around in luxury vehicles and waste our government funds to fund their lifestyle stand tall with heads held high while law-abiding hard working citizens bow down their heads to make sure that they don't break their ankles while walking in the valley.
Well, the BIMSTEC natak is over and we can now go on to our usual routine but it would be better if our Oli government continued the odd-even driving nataks in the valley forever. We can cut down a little bit on pollution. We can save a few Rupees on fuel we import from India.
And whatever happened to the cycle lanes in the city. Our chor netas and lazy civil servants think fast cars and metro rails will make us modern. But even Western researchers now tell us that it is better for our health to squat and finish our business rather than using the Western-style sit natak!
Guffadi is a grumpy old man who blogs at guffadi.blogspot.com. You may contact him at maguffadi@gmail.com